Treat yourself to an extra day and gain strength for the next days. Forget all your worries and relax in our hotel. Extend your stay a day longer or come to us to recharge your batteries for the coming week. Discounted accommodation from Sunday to Monday.
accommodation in the selected room type
breakfast buffet
entrance to the sauna world of Beskydy Therme (during opening hours, reservation required)
50 minutes entrance to the Thermal Park (during opening hours, reservation required)
entrance to the pool and Tropico Beach 10% discount on massages (does not apply to Thai and Ajurveda massages)
WIFI connection
free parking
The stay does not include the stay fee (paid on site)
Reservation of the date in advance is necessary at the email info@ondrasuv-dvur.cz. For more information, call +420 731 682 395
The stated package price is per person and valid only for a fully occupied room.
This package can only be used from Sunday to Monday.
2021 © Hotel Ondrášův dvůr | Ochrana osobních údajů
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